Monday, December 4, 2017

Please send holiday pictures of your WINDARA dog

                                                               HUDSON   Red Deer, Ab.

LEICA  Kelowna, BC
Love BLACK Labs

RONI  Winnipeg, Mb.

CALI  Craven, Sask. 
Born April 24/13 to Cassie and Peter Pete

LEICA     Kelowna 

BERGKAMP  Thunder  Bay
(He's been such a good boy)

CHARLEE Moose Jaw, Sask
2 years old

RHEA  6 months. Saskatoon

DAXON AND PIPER (siblings)

LEXIE . Whitehorse. not impressed with the hat

Windsor in Winnipeg... waiting, watching for Santa

MOLLY  born to Midazz X Remi 2015

service dog KENNA.  Vancouver.   7 years old 

                                             Cooper    Born to Midazz X Remi 2017  Saskatoon

                                                           Lady Born to Luxe X Remi 2016  Regina
                                                               ... not impressed wearing antlers

This is Shanty.    Born to LottieX Relic 2010      Duncan, B.C.

                            KEESHA  6 months old   Weyburn, Sk.