Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

They are leaving me one by one!


                                                      LEICA LEAVING FOR KELOWNA

                                                 GARTH LEAVING FOR TERRACE
Garth at home

                                                          Tucker looks wiped!
                                                          Tucker in Yorkton

                                      JET IN WINNIPEG. Thankyou for often sending me the
                                        "Jet Report"  Love the pictures but can post them all

                                       "PLEASE SEND PICTURES OF YOUR PUPPY"

Friday, July 4, 2014

Here is the last puppy of the litter. He aptitute tested the shy guy, but not no more! I have had a chance to work one on one with him and he is coming out of his shell marvelously! A pleasant, tail wagging fella that has become my shadow.

Come visit our kennel this weekend and if approved, you may take him home with you.
How come it is the last pup to go is not a bit inferior to any of his littermates.
He is a solid pup, both in temperament and body structure. (hope you like big paws)
Two nights in the house and he made it thru without crying or messing in his crate-what a dream!
I think with the right family he will make a great dog!

                                              Well here is the "shy guy"  at 4 months of age.
                                                  TRIGGER MAGNUM  OF WINDARA
                                         has been in training less than 2 months and here he is!...............

                                     THANKYOU DAVE, for working with this fella so diligently