Monday, October 3, 2016

9 Month old Chocolate Female Labrador Retriever puppy for Sale SOLD

SOLD                    OCTOBER 5TH/2016
Thankyou for your interest, but a suitable new owner has been confirmed.
Thankyou from WINDARA


                                  - Charlee comes with kennel, harness, collar, leash,
                                     dishes, blankets, 2 beds, toys,  2 bags of dog food.
                    - Charlee knows her sits, downs, stay, speak, kennel up, on your bed, etc
                         Kennel trained , house trained, ring the bell to go out to bathroom.
                                                  -Charlee has been spayed
                                -Charlee had all vaccinations and boosters are up to date
                               - Charlee is awesome at retrieving, crazy to chase a ball,
                                               -Charlee has no water experience                          

                      Pictures of Charlee:
                                          Just born -a few minutes old      December 21/2016

                                                                     2 weeks old

                                                            a few weeks old
 6 weeks old

 8 weeks old

                                                            4 months old


Romona Vimazel said...
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Romona Vimazel said...

Seeing all of them gives a Heavenly feeling! They spread love. The only word that comes out of my mouth after I read the post is “AWW” Even I want pets now .Beautiful Blog. Thanks to Admin for Sharing this knowledge sharing Session Labrador retriever . Thank You very much for useful information .